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yukari 先生のプロフィール

yukari 先生
  • 出身国:
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講師名 yukari 先生
国籍 日本人
生年月日 1980年5月24日
特徴 【日本語が話せます】, フリートークに, 中上級の方に, 文法指導が得意, ビジネス英語, TOEIC ®, 英検®
教材 日常英会話Q&A(dialogclub), 入門英語会話集Otonyu_dialog, おとなの入門英語(Otonyu), 子供:Let's Go, 海外旅行会話集OtonaTravel
自己紹介 こんにちは、講師のYUKARIです。高校生と中学生二人の育児をしながら官公庁関連施設、米軍関連施設にて通訳、インターナショナルスクールにて講師、その他在宅で翻訳の仕事(ホテルや旅館の英訳, ニュース翻訳、医療総合サイトm3.comにて医療×AIに関する医療翻訳記事執筆、企業のウェブサイトや会社案内動画の字幕吹替)に従事しています。







The strong point of Spotify as a streaming service : Spotify music playlists tell the story of your life based on your choice of music.
During the New Year holidays I was doing some cleaning around my house and I reviewed all the subscription services I have been using.
I took the plunge and decided to unsubscribe to the services I didn't use much. It turned out that I saved a lot of money and I realized that I was wasting considerable money unknowingly.
Today, I read an article in the Guardian in which the writer is wondering whether to quit a subscription service. She is a Spotify user and has been using it for more than 10 years. The music she listens to each time is curated to her own taste.
And she says when she sees the song title and listens to the song, it reminds her of herself at a certain point in her life. When she listens to sad music, she remembers a time when she had a broken heart. When she was recovering from the heartache, she was listening to powerful female songs to empower her again, to make herself feel good again. When she was trying to do something new, she would listen to classical music, which was unusual for her. At different stages of her life, she listened to different genres of music.
‘ It's like a diary, I can't erase it.’, she said. Fair enough, and I thought that the music streaming service that made subscribers think and reminisce on past events was very attractive, in other words, it’s a strong point as a subscription service. Music makes the world go round, so it seems essential to have a music streaming service like Spotify.
A while ago, Netflix's stock price fell due to the decrease in sales from the previous fiscal year in the settlement of customer accounts. Netflix is the largest video streaming service provider in the United States, but it still struggles to retain customers. If they put in something that will be a highlight, the number of subscribers will increase temporarily, but half of them will stop subscribing within half a year. Therefore, they are providing various movies, documentaries and series on and on and on, including original versions, but the production cost of the original works is increasing, which is a hindrance to profits. I think it's like shift cultivation.
In that respect, as the Guardian writer says, a service where the playlist becomes a person’s diary causes a customer to remain with that streaming service, to the customer it becomes indispensable, which is very unique and therefore a more attractive option than something like Netflix.
(But I keep watching Netflix.)

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