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Amaya 先生のプロフィール

Amaya 先生
  • 出身国:フィリピン
  • 居住国:フィリピン
講師名 Amaya 先生
国籍 フィリピン人
特徴 【レッスン体験におすすめ】, 入門・初心者の方におすすめ, 発音指導が得意, フリートークに, 初中級の方に, 中上級の方に, 文法指導が得意, お子様に
教材 日常英会話Q&A(dialogclub), SIDE by SIDE, 7+English(限定), 入門英語会話集Otonyu_dialog, おとなの入門英語(Otonyu), 英文法:Grammar in Use, 発音:American Accent, 子供:Let's Go, 7+BILIGUAL(限定), 海外旅行会話集OtonaTravel, Active Learning A , Active Learning B
自己紹介 こんにちは! I am teacher AMAYA and I'm glad to have met you! I graduated with Latin honors (Magna Cum Laude) and am currently a registered nurse in the Philippines. I like interacting and chatting with new people and I'd be very glad to accommodate you in my class!
As a nurse, It is in my nature that I like giving care to people and my clients, including teaching them what should be done and followed. I studied nursing at a reputable school in the Philippines, graduated just last year (2023) and at the same year I have obtained my license as a nurse, that proves that my abilities are acknowledged by the government.

Teaching students was not a new job to me because way back 2021, I was a private tutor for 2 primary kids and my main role was to teach them basic English and with my hardwork and efforts, and the coordination and trust that we built, we have made those times effective. My way of teaching, I always make sure to offer my clients, including my students, my undivided attention and ensure that the work I do will truly benefit them. I provide where they lack, support them along the way, while making sure to provide education and make learning enjoyable. Since I think that every person is unique and exceptional, I tailor my instruction to each student to ensure that I'm bringing out their finest potential. Moreover, my experience with the BPO industry as a technical support representative really enhanced my skills in conversing using the English language since most of our clienteles were from the US which enhanced my fluency and confidence in communicating using the English Language.

I was surprised to become a teacher because, three or four years ago, I honestly did not think I would pursue this career. But one day, a dear colleague of mine gave me a job recommendation to teach two children the basics of English, particularly grammar and conversation. I accepted the challenge since I actually had the free time to do so, and funny enough, I discovered that teaching can be enjoyable as well! This was especially true when I could see that my pupils were actually learning from our sessions. As an introverted person, I relied mostly on my fluency in English through reading books; I am a literal bookworm!

Attending my own courses has improved my understanding and helped me with grammatical and pronunciation corrections. My introverted self, however, blossomed and improved with time as a result of my hard effort in stepping outside of my comfort zone, meeting new people, and seizing new environments so my personality would not hinder me from providing service to people. As a teacher I would like to be an inspiration that everyone is really capable of improving and it would not be an elevator to success but a step by step process and I would like to be that instrument to my students to flourish like I did or even surpass my capabilities.

I enjoy having conversations with people because it teaches me about different people's personalities and life philosophies, which is why "Free Talk" could be very beneficial to us. Following an article or a curriculum would also not be a problem because our lessons would be more structured with a flow and assessments would be easy. I am a very flexible person where I work hard to meet your needs and make our sessions worthwhile, but above all, I have to make sure you learned the material from my lesson and, most importantly, that you had fun!

My enthusiasm for helping others and my proficiency in English would be a tremendous asset to make our lessons productive and enjoyable, so what are you waiting for?
皆さんこんにちは!私は講師のアマヤです。皆さんお会いできることが嬉しいです!私はラテン語を優秀な成績(Magna Cum Laude)で卒業し、現在はフィリピンで正看護師をしています。私は新しい人と交流したり、おしゃべりするのが好きなので、私のクラスであなたと時間の共有ができたらとても嬉しいです!

人と会話するのは楽しいです。いろいろな人の性格や人生哲学を学べるからです。なので、"フリートーク "は私たちにとって非常に有益だと感じます。
私はとてもフレキシブルな人間で、皆さんのニーズに応え、有意義なセッションになるよう努力しています、 しかし、何よりも、私のレッスンからあなたが学んだことを確実に身につけながら、最も大切なことは、あなたが楽しいと感じれることです!

Amaya 先生のスケジュール

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Amaya 先生のクチコミ・評価・おすすめポイント

  • 明るく優しい先生です。初めてのレッスンでしたが、私のレベルを素早く見極め私に合ったレッスンをして頂く事が出来ました。分からない表現もチャットボックスにきちんと書いて下さる熱意のある先生です!楽しくたくさん学べるレッスンです!
  • ・学ぶ側が回答するのに悪戦苦闘している様子を見て、翻訳のシステムを場面上に表示して、質疑応答を してくださった事に感謝しております。 Amaya先生のおっしゃっていることを、より良く理解することが出来ました。 ・Amaya先生が、私が先生のレッスンを選んだ事、同じ時間を共有することが出来た事について、良かったとおっしゃって頂けたことを嬉しく思っております。 ありがとうございました。
  • 私が書いた記事を題材にディスカッションをしました。話を引き出すのがうまい先生です。非常に有意義なレッスンでした。