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Jo 先生のプロフィール

Jo 先生
  • 出身国:フィリピン
  • 居住国:フィリピン
講師名 Jo 先生
国籍 フィリピン人
特徴 【レッスン体験におすすめ】, 入門・初心者の方におすすめ, 発音指導が得意, フリートークに, 初中級の方に, 中上級の方に, 文法指導が得意, お子様に, TOEIC ®, 英検®
教材 日常英会話Q&A(dialogclub), SIDE by SIDE, 7+English(限定), 30日間プログラム(限定), 入門英語会話集Otonyu_dialog, おとなの入門英語(Otonyu), ビジネス英語:Market Leader, 英文法:Grammar in Use, 子供:Let's Go, 7+BILIGUAL(限定), 海外旅行会話集OtonaTravel, English Tree(シニアのための, Active Learning A , Active Learning B
自己紹介 Good day! I am Teacher Jo, a certified educator working in the Philippines' public schools. I'm currently working with the department of education in my nation while also obtaining a master's degree in education.

As a teacher, I think that learning happens in both directions. My dear students, I'm here to teach you and learn from you. Since I've been teaching English for more than ten years, I've had the opportunity to work with various learners, including Asians and Europeans, and I've always found them to be amiable and courteous.

In addition to my extensive teaching experience, I also possess certifications in TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners) and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I enjoy focusing on the objectives of my students as well as exploring a variety of fascinating topics in my classes.

I work with great positivity and enthusiasm. I enjoy working with students of all skill levels and have a wide range of interests. We'll talk soon.

皆さん、こんにちは!私はフィリピンの公立学校で働く公認教育講師のジョーと申します。 現在、フィリピンの教育省で働きながら、教育学の修士号も取得しています。
また、豊富な指導経験に加え、TEYL(Teaching English to Young Learners)とTESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)の資格も持っています。生徒さんの目標に焦点を当て、魅力的なトピックを探求することを楽しんでいます。

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