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Lei 先生のプロフィール

Lei 先生
  • 出身国:フィリピン
  • 居住国:フィリピン
講師名 Lei 先生
国籍 フィリピン人
特徴 【レッスン体験におすすめ】, 入門・初心者の方におすすめ, フリートークに, 初中級の方に, 中上級の方に
教材 日常英会話Q&A(dialogclub), SIDE by SIDE, 7+English(限定), 入門英語会話集Otonyu_dialog, おとなの入門英語(Otonyu), ビジネス英語:Market Leader, 子供:Let's Go, 海外旅行会話集OtonaTravel, English Tree(シニアのための, Active Learning A , Active Learning B
自己紹介 Greetings, dear learners! I'm Lei, and I extend a warm "Mabuhay!" to you all. Thank you for taking the time to explore my profile. Meeting new students is always a pleasure, and I look forward to the opportunity of having you in my class.

With four exciting years of experience in the field of ESL teaching, I've come to understand that true dedication transcends mere time counting. It's about keeping the passion alive. I vividly recall my initial moments as a somewhat hesitant Teacher Lei, fully aware of the vast learning journey ahead. However, as time passed, doubts transformed into enthusiasm, worries evolved into result-driven objectives, and hesitations were replaced by unwavering determination. In the same vein, I encourage learners not to dwell on doubts, worries, or hesitations, but rather to focus on their goals and relentlessly strive to achieve them.

From students who struggled to speak to those who were initially apprehensive, I've made it a personal commitment to provide the utmost attention and support. Witnessing their remarkable progress over the years has been incredibly satisfying.

As an advocate of lifelong learning, my innate enthusiasm for continuous improvement is channeled directly into my teaching. I believe that fostering a passion for learning is key, and this fervor extends to my students.

When it comes to the specific aspects of English instruction, I aim to encourage active engagement in speaking while simultaneously nurturing grammar proficiency, listening skills, and pronunciation.

What sets my lessons apart and makes them captivating? Well, if I were to describe myself using the first letter of my name, I'd say "Lively and Limitless." These qualities are reflected in my teaching approach, ensuring an engaging and dynamic learning experience.

I firmly believe that effective teaching requires adaptability. With students from diverse backgrounds and experiences, I strive to tailor my instruction to meet the unique needs, abilities, and interests of each individual, creating an engaging and satisfying learning environment for all.


私はESL教育の分野で4年間の経験があり、時間だけでなく情熱をかけることが大切だと気づきました。最初のクラスで自信のないTeacher Leiとしての瞬間を鮮明に覚えています。まだ学ぶべきことがたくさんあることを理解していたのです。しかし、時間が経つにつれて、疑念は熱意に、不安は成果志向の目標に、迷いは断固とした決意に変わりました。同じように、生徒の皆さんにも疑念や不安、迷いにとどまらず、目標に集中し、それを達成するために精一杯努力することをお勧めします。






Lei 先生のスケジュール

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Lei 先生のクチコミ・評価・おすすめポイント

  • 授業が開催されなかった。 今後こういったことは無くして頂きたい。
  • とても聞き取りやすい英語で、会話も最後までスムーズに進めて頂きました。テキスト以外の会話もできてとても満足のいくレッスンでした。ぜひまたお願いしたいと思います。